forget to do something翻译的相关图片

forget to do something翻译

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forget to do sth和forget doing sth的区别

"forget to do something" 表示未能记得去做某件事情,即本应该做某事但因记忆问题而未能执行。例如:"I forgot to lock the door before I left the house this m...

forget todo sth.和forget doing sth。

这两个短语都表示“忘记做某事”,唯一区别是forget to do sth表示忘记了要去做的事情,且事情并没有做;而forget d...

forget to do something和forget doing something区

forget to do sth忘记去做某事,指还没做的事如 Don't forget to post a letter for me .别忘了帮我邮信 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事这事已经做了如 I forget s...

Don't forget to think of something to do for

Don't forget to think of something to do for Talent Day tomorrow.这个句子的主语是 You,却被省略了。哈哈,成为祈使句。don't forget是句子的谓语to think ...

forget to do something和forget doing something区


forget todo sth还是forget doing sth呢?

forget to do sth的意思是“忘记去做某事”,指的是原本计划去做某件事,但是忘记了没有去做。forget doing sth的意...

【英语】【翻译】图中第一句话的find something to

find something to do。。。 找到什么事情做 的意思。在上图这句话中 是要翻译整句话的意思,用的引申意思,所以find something to rebel against. 就翻译为(青...

问一个英语问题! Don't forget to do sth.和Don't f

这个区别在:forget to do something 表示忘记去做某事(这件事情是指没有做过的事情)forget doing something 表示忘记曾经做过得事情(这件事情指的是你以前已经...

get to do something和get to doing sth的区别

1. get to do往往暗示一个较长的过程,含有“渐渐开始”之意,此时get后接的不定式通常为to know, to like, to hate, to understand, to realize等表示心理感觉的...

afford to do sth 与 afford doing sth 有什么区别

1、用法不同 afford to do sth表示有经济能力或时间能力去做某事,强调能够承担得起某种费用或代价。afford doing s...

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