stick to it什么意思中文的相关图片

stick to it什么意思中文

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stick to it是什么意思?

stick to it是什么意思?stick to it 坚持下去 例句 Also plan your budget and try to stick to it.公司亦计划在您的预算和尝试,坚持下去。Well, it might if we...

stick to it是什么意思

stick to it 坚持它 双语例句 1 As long as you choose the right path, you should stick to it.只要选择的路是对的,就要坚定不易的走下去。2 If you know what ...

求hang in there / stick to it / insist on it / k

stick to it --坚持, 不放手, 不放松 insist on it /---坚持自己的意见,不妥协 keep going /--继续

stickto it,and you'll succeed. 什么意思?

坚持吧,你会成功的。stickto it,and you'll succeed.坚持吧,你会成功的。

stick-to-it-ive-ness是什么 意思啊

stick to it是一个常用短语,指坚持,执着于某事 stick-to-it-ive-ness是由stick to it衍生的口语名词,也写作sticktoitiveness,就是指毅力,持之以恒,坚韧性。...

make a decision,stick to it

答案B 解析:考查动词短语辨析句意为:一旦你作出决定,你就应该坚持下去 stick to+ n./pron.坚持;stick out 突出;坚持;persist in 固执己见;insist on doing s...

If I stick to it .Maybe the ending will be happy

如果我坚持,也许结果会是开心快乐的。(意思 是好的结局)。

Stick to it,Advance toward dream什么意思?

鼓励人的话,是说别放弃, 向着你的梦想努力 just like the world is not fair, stick to it, advance to your dream with endeavor

see stick-to-it-ness 是什么意思

to it是一个常用短语,指坚持,执着于某事 stick-to-it-ness,这个拼法不太常见,正确拼法是stick-to-it-ive-ness 是由stick to it衍生的口语名词,也写作sticktoi...



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